
The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) 2025 Audio Encoder Capability Challenge


The ICME 2025 Audio Encoder Capability Challenge, hosted by Xiaomi, University of Surrey, and Dataocean AI, aims to rigorously evaluate audio encoders in real-world downstream tasks.

Strongly inspired by the HEAR benchmark, this challenge introduces several key enhancements: a diverse task set, a focus on real-world applications, a combination of parameterized and parameter-free evaluation, and a new open-sourced, efficient evaluation system.

Notably, this challenge imposes NO restrictions on model size or the scale of training data, and training based on existing pre-trained models is allowed.

Participants are invited to submit pre-trained encoders that convert raw audio waveforms into continuous embeddings. These encoders will undergo comprehensive testing across diverse tasks spanning speech, environmental sounds, and music. The evaluation will emphasize real-world usability and leverage an open-source evaluation system.

Participants are welcome to independently test and optimize their models. However, the final rankings will be determined based on evaluations conducted by the organizers.

How to Participate


To participate, registration is required. Please complete the registration form before April 1, 2025. Note that this does not means the challenge starts on April 1, 2025. The challenge begins on February 7, 2025.

For any other information about registration,please send Email to: 2025icme-aecc@dataoceanai.com


  1. Clone the audio encoder template from the GitHub repository.
  2. Implement your own audio encoder following the instructions in README.md within the cloned repository. The implementation must pass all checks in audio_encoder_checker.py provided in the repository.
  3. Before the submission deadline, April 30, 2025, email the following files to the organizers at 2025icme-aecc@dataoceanai.com:

The pre-trained model weights can either be included in the ZIP file or downloaded automatically from external sources (e.g., Hugging Face) during runtime. If choosing the latter approach, please implement the automatic downloading mechanism in your encoder implementation.

While there are no strict limitations on model size, submitted models must be able to be run successfully in a Google Colab T4 environment, where the runtime is equipped with a 16 GB NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPU, 12GB RAM.


This challenge emphasizes both model innovation AND data collection and utilization, recognizing the critical role of data in achieving superior performance. The organizers do not mandate a specific training dataset. Instead, participants are free to use any data for training, as long as it meets the following conditions:

Training based on existing pre-trained models, such as fine-tuning or distillation, is allowed, but it must be ensured that the training data of the pre-trained models does not include the data in Table.1.

Table 1: Datasets for fine-tuning and evaluation

The ``Hidden’’ column indicates whether the dataset is concealed from participants.

Domain Dataset Task Type Metric n-classes Track B Hidden
Speech Speech Commands Keyword spotting Acc 30
  LibriCount Speaker counting Acc 11
  VoxLingua107 Language identification Acc 33
  VoxCeleb1 Speaker identification Acc 1251
  LibriSpeech Gender classification Acc 2
  Fluent Speech Commands Intent classification Acc 248
  VocalSound Non-speech sounds Acc 6
  CREMA-D Emotion recognition Acc 5
  LibriSpeech-Phoneme Phoneme recognition Acc 39
  speechocean762 Phoneme pronunciation MSE 3
  ASV2015 Spoofing detection EER 2
Sound ESC-50 Environment classification Acc 50
  FSD50k Sound event detection mAP 200
  UrbanSound 8k Urban sound classification Acc 10
  DESED Sound event detection Segment-F1 10
  FSD18-Kaggle Sound event detection mAP 41
  Clotho Sound retrieval Recall@1 -
  Inside/outside car Sound event detection Acc 2
  Finger snap sound Sound event detection Acc 2
  Key scratching car Sound event detection Acc 2
  Subway broadcast Sound event detection Acc 2
  LiveEnv sounds Sound event detection mAP 18
Music MAESTRO Note classification Acc 88
  GTZAN Genre Genre classification Acc 10
  NSynth-Instruments Instruments Classification Acc 11
  NSynth-Pitch Pitches Classification Acc 128
  Free Music Archive Small Music genre classification Acc 8

Note: The actual evaluation set selected by the organizers may include fewer datasets than those listed in Table 1.


We set two tracks, Track A and Track B, is to comprehensively evaluate the performance of pre-trained audio encoders from different perspectives. Track A focuses on the adaptability and effectiveness of the pre-trained models when fine-tuned for specific tasks, while Track B assesses the inherent quality of the audio representations without any fine-tuning, providing a rigorous test of the fundamental representational power of the embeddings. Participants do not need to choose tracks. Both tracks will be evaluated for all submissions.

Track A: Linear Fine-Tuning on Task-Specific Data.

A linear layer will be trained using the provided user embeddings, optimized with predefined hyperparameters for each task. This approach assesses how effectively the fixed representations can be adapted to specific tasks by training an additional linear layer, using predefined hyperparameters tailored for each task. This track evaluates the adaptability and effectiveness of the pre-trained models when applied to new, task-specific contexts without altering the original model parameters.

Track B: Unparameterized Evaluation.

Pre-trained model embeddings will be used directly for K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classification without training. This track aims to evaluate the inherent quality of the audio representations without any fine-tuning. While this approach may not always yield the highest performance in real-world applications, it serves as a rigorous test of the fundamental representational power of the embeddings. By avoiding parameterized layers, this track provides a clear view of how well the model captures essential features of the audio data.


Here are the evaluation results for several baseline models. The weighted average is calculated using the test set size for each dataset.

Table 2: Track A baseline

Dataset dasheng
asvspoof (mini) 0.956 0.914 0.885 0.892
crema_d 0.772 0.568 0.600 0.566
esc50 0.869 0.579 0.614 0.249
fluentspeechcommands_kws 0.916 0.417 0.878 0.962
freemusicarchive_genre 0.640 0.518 0.595 0.360
fsdkaggle2018 0.557 0.352 0.478 0.196
gtzan 0.869 0.681 0.751 0.495
libricount 0.688 0.605 0.549 0.507
librispeech_male_female(mini) 0.859 0.703 0.877 0.692
nsynth_instument 0.261 0.251 0.259 0.223
ravdess 0.725 0.440 0.460 0.469
speechcommandsv1 0.967 0.805 0.955 0.930
urbansound8k 0.835 0.676 0.719 0.443
vocalsound 0.910 0.791 0.871 0.807
voxceleb1 (mini) 0.512 0.069 0.215 0.043
voxlingua33 (mini) 0.782 0.492 0.862 0.577
Weighted Average 0.728 0.500 0.629 0.541

Table 3: Track B baseline

Dataset dasheng
asvspoof (mini) 0.833 0.611 0.600 0.919
crema_d 0.381 0.175 0.382 0.325
esc50 0.621 0.091 0.191 0.037
fluentspeechcommands_kws 0.025 0.008 0.032 0.156
freemusicarchive_genre 0.589 0.135 0.396 0.126
gtzan 0.753 0.347 0.504 0.119
libricount 0.310 0.241 0.253 0.186
librispeech_male_female (mini) 0.493 0.552 0.586 0.632
nsynth_instument 0.253 0.235 0.233 0.209
ravdess 0.369 0.171 0.287 0.289
speechcommandsv1 0.903 0.208 0.096 0.850
urbansound8k 0.662 0.334 0.214 0.153
vocalsound 0.336 0.265 0.417 0.295
voxceleb1 (mini) 0.035 0.002 0.007 0.001
voxlingua33 (mini) 0.340 0.014 0.207 0.050
Weighted Average 0.384 0.271 0.251 0.350

Important Dates

More Details

The more detailed description of the challenge can be found in the ICME 2025 Audio Encoder Capability Challenge paper.